2016-17 Winter Quarter - page 11

as possible, and moved to the farthest corner of my stall.
The scent was less powerful here.
I eyed the strangers warily. Were they here to see the
child too? The idea of strangers entering my stable would
have worried me any other time, but I knew tonight was
special. Tonight a very special child had been born.
I looked out at the night. The very sky celebrated the
birth of the small child. The stars above seemed to almost
dance. One star shined particularly bright, casting soft
light on our resting place. I wondered if they knew the
significance of the night. I know I did.
A very Special Creature had been born tonight, one that
might even change the world. The golden haired boy
was so important; the strange sheep smelling men, the
richly garbed men, and even the very stars had gathered
to celebrate him. It was a night holier than any night to
come. And I had been there to witness it.
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